Language: Myanmar English

General Administration Department Biography


To establish a good administrative mechanism centered to the People


1. Rule of Law
2. Community Peace and Tranquility
3. Regional Development
4. Serve the Public Interest


1. Follow the state policy,
2. Align with the basic principles,
3. Perform in accordance with the procedure.

Five Criteria

1. Be good morale.
2. Be obedient to discipline.
3. Be loyal.
4. Be united.
5. Be efficient.

Six Code of Conduct

1. Think over widely and deeply.
2. Discharge the duties and functions strenuously and energetically.
3. Say the truth.
4. Stand steadfastly.
5. Be sincere and honest.
6. Deal with the people amicably and politely.

Divisions under the General Administration Department (Head Office)

1. Admin, Personnel Affairs and Logistics Division.
2. Legal and Public Affairs Division.
3. Land Division.
4. Excise and Revenue Division.
5. Finance and Account Division.
6. International Relations and Research Division.
7. Institute of Development Administration.

The Structure of General Administration Department

1. The Structure of General Administration Department under the Ministry of Home Affairs as follow;

  1. General Administration Department (Head Office)
  2. Region/ State General Administration Department
  3. Nay Pyi Taw General Administration Department
  4. General Administration Department ( Eastern / Northern Shan State)
  5. Self- Administered Division
  6. Self- Administered Zone
  7. District General Administration Department
  8. Township General Administration Department
  9. Town General Administration Department
  10. Ward / Village Tract Administrator's Office

2. General Administration Department (Head Office) is formed with the following divisions-

  1. Admin and Logistics Division
  2. General Division
  3. Land Division
  4. Excise and Revenue Division
  5. Training and Research Division
  6. Budget and Accounts Division
  7. International Relations Division
  8. Institute of Development Administration

Objectives of General Administration Department

3. The Objectives of General Administration Department are as follows;

  1. To ensure rule of law
  2. To ensure community peace and tranquility
  3. To carry out regional development
  4. To serve the public interest

Responsibilities of General Administration Department

4. The Responsibilities of General Administration Department are as follow;

(a) Tasks assigned by the President Office and the Union Government

  1. State Policy-related issues
  2. Security-related issues
  3. Governance-related issues
  4. Public Administration-related issues

(b) Functions entrusted by the Ministry of Home Affairs

According to the "Words Substitution Law (1988)", the Ministry of Home Affairs entrusted the following duties to General Administration Department with notification order no (2/89) to perform;

  1. Prohibiting any attempt which violate rule of law and stability
  2. Instructing the removal of activities for public nuisance
  3. Giving order and manage to disperse the unlawful crowds
  4. Informing the authorities to give any letter and postal parcel in post and telegram office, if it is necessary for crime investigation
  5. Allowing to sue a person who commit the crimes according to Section 19 (f) and (29) of Arms Act
  6. Prohibiting access to facilities (land, housing) which are immovable properties if these are in controversy that may effect on community peace and tranquility
  7. Issuing the warrant for seeking gambling houses
  8. Addressing the issues relating to code of conduct for Buddhist monks, riots and crimes based on existing law and taking record of dispute properties
  9. Managing the properties which are not submitting yet to the court as exhibits

(c) Principal Functions of the General Administration Department

  1. Land administration
  2. Excise administration
  3. Collection of four kinds of tax
  4. Systematic formation of villages and towns
  5. Rural development
  6. Registration of associations in accord with the law
  7. Conferring honorable titles and medals
  8. Issues related with law on Restriction of Transferring the Immovable Properties

(d) Tasks delegated by other ministries

  1. Registration of water-crafts no more than (20) horse power delegated by Department of Water Transport Administration, Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunication
  2. Rescue and rehabilitation tasks delegated by Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement
  3. Issuing the licenses of place for cinema delegated by Ministry of Information
  4. Withdrawal of temporary pension and gratuity of retired service personnel in advance, renewal of pension of retired person who is released from sentences, withdrawal of remaining pension for those who passed away and to carry out the exchange of lump-sum pension delegated by Budget Department, Ministry of Planning and Finance.

Executive Duties

5. It is General Administration Department, Ministry of Home Affairs, which takes the main responsibility to operate the administrative mechanism of the country at successive eras. Moreover, according to the Article 260 of Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (2008), it states that “The Head of the General Administration Department of the Region or State is the ex-officio Secretary of the Region or State Government concerned. The General Administration Department of the Region or State is the Office of the Region or State Government concerned”, and according to the Article 287, “The Head of General Administration Department of Nay Pyi Taw is the ex-officio secretary of the Nay Pyi Taw Council. General Administration Department of Nay Pyi Taw is the office of the Nay Pyi Taw Council” and according to Article 288, “Administration of district and township level shall be assigned to the Civil Services Personnel”. Thus, staffs from each level of General Administration Department are making efforts to run the administrative machinery in accord with the policies, laws and procedures laid down by the government.

6. After taking office of new democratic government, State/ Region, District and Township Peace and Development Council was abolished according to Words Substitution Law, 2011, and the State Peace and Development Council’s Announcement No. 6/2011, 7/2011 and 8/2011 dated 3 May 2011. After that, State/ Region, District and Township Administrative Office has been formed and have taken the duties and responsibilities of the previous State/ Region, District and Township Peace and Development Councils.

7. The State is implementing the democratization process. The organizational structure of the district General Administration Department was expanded by the meeting minutes of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Union Government and meeting on 25 February 2016 to become good governance that is major necessity for citizens in transition periods and to deliver effective public services through cooperation with the public in democratic administration. Likewise, the rank of District Administrator has been upgraded from Deputy Director to Director.

8. Moreover, Article 289 of the Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar mentions that, “Administration of ward or village-tract shall be assigned in accord with the law to a person whose integrity is respected by the community". Ward or village/tract administration Law, therefore, was enacted on (24.2.2012) and it is included the guideline for the election of ward or village/tract administrator, qualifications which the administrators must have and the rules to follow. The third amendment law on "Ward and Village/tract Administration Law" is enacted on (2.12.2016) in conformity the current situation.