Language: Myanmar English


In Some Townships, Armed Terrorists Wantonly Kill Administrative Officials, Government Employees and Civilians who live peacefully

      In some townships of States and Regions, armed terrorists, based on the one-sided ideology of extremism ‘Everyone who differs from my attitude is my enemy’, are committing violent attacks and assassinations by using knives, guns, grenades, home-made mines and IEDs against non-CDM staff after forcibly pressuring civil service personnel who are loyal to the State to join CDM as well as others who do not support their terrorist acts after accusing them of “Spy/ Informer/ Decoy (Dalan)” to make administrative officials, government employees and civilians who live peacefully, very frightened.
      Since they are conducting such terrorist acts, on 23 May at 07:00 AM, 100-household Administrator U Tin Than and Village Auxiliary Fire Services Company Commander U Aye Cho who both lived in Aungchanthar Village of Kawthoung Township, Tanintharyi Region, were in their respective houses, a so-called PDF terrorist group (total number-under scrutiny) arrived and opened fire on them. As a result, they both were dead from gunshot injuries, it is reported.
      Similarly, at 09:50 AM, according to the report that a man was dead by gunfire in the Wontawaei area of No. (8) Ward in Shwebo Township, Sagaing Region, security personnel went to the scene to inspect. The investigation found that Ward Administrator U Bo Myint, 52 years old, (Father) U Paw Sein, who lived in this Ward, was in his house, when two male terrorists (under scrutiny) arrived on a motorcycle and opened fire on him before fleeing. As a result, U Bo Myint was dead from gunshot injuries, it is reported.
      Likewise, at 10:45 AM, according to the report that a man was killed by stabbing and chopping with knives near the signboard of Htainpan Village located beside the Myingyan-Myothar Road in Myingyan Township, Mandalay Region, security personnel went to the scene to inspect. The investigation found that U Min Min Lat, 43 years old, (Father) U Nyan, who lived in Magyisu Village of Myingyan Township, was in his house, when approximately 10 so-called PDF terrorists arrived on six motorcycles and arrested him. When they arrived at the scene, the terrorists stabbed and chopped U Min Min Lat with knives. As a result, U Min Min Lat was dead with knife injuries, it is reported.
      Furthermore, at 12:00 PM, according to the report that a man was dead by gunfire in Zayetgyi Village of Taungtha Township, security personnel went to the scene to inspect. The investigation found that U Nan, 50 years old, (Father) U Kyal Ni, who lived in this village, was in his house-based shop, when a so-called PDF terrorist group (total number-under scrutiny) arrived on 10 motorcycles and opened fire on him by accusing him of being “Informer/ Decoy (Dalan)”. As a result, U Nan was dead from gunshot injuries, it is reported.
      Similarly, at 12:20 PM, according to the report that a man was dead by gunfire at the Township Immigration Office located in “Kagyi” Ward of Lounglon Township, Tanintharyi Region, security personnel went to the scene to inspect. The investigation found that approximately 10 so-called PDF terrorists arrived on eight motorcycles at the office. Before fleeing, the terrorists opened fire on Deputy Immigration supervisor U Thein Min Lat, 44 years old, (Father) U Nyunt Tin, who was inside the office. As a result, U Thein Min Lat was dead from gunshot injuries, it is reported.
      Similarly, at 02:05 PM, according to the report that a woman was dead by gunfire at the ferry port located in Myinmu Town of Myinmu Township, Sagaing Region, security personnel went to the scene to inspect. The investigation found that Daw Nwe Nwe Oo, 41 years old, (Father) U Paw Han, who lived in Yepadadtai Village of Ngazun Township, Mandalay Region, was present at the scene, when approximately four so-called PDF terrorists arrived on two motorcycles and opened fire on her before fleeing. As a result, Daw Nwe Nwe Oo was dead from gunshot injuries, it is reported.
      Similarly, at 06:50 PM, according to the report that a man was dead by gunfire under the culvert of Lattan ditch, which supplies irrigation water, located in Ohngon area of Malzaligon Town in Ingapu Township, Ayeyarwady Region, security personnel went to the scene to inspect. Upon investigation at the scene, it is found that Ward Administrator U Kyaw Win, 54 years old, (Father) U Hla Maung, who lived in No. (3) Ward of Malzaligon Town, was shot by a so-called PDF terrorist group (total number-under scrutiny). As a result, U Kyaw Win was dead from gunshot injuries, it is reported.
       Similarly, at 07:30 PM, according to the report that a man was dead by gunfire in the Honar area of Kaungmhuton Ward in MuSe Township, Northern Shan State, security personnel went to the scene to inspect. The investigation found that Ko Thant Zin Lat, 29 years old, (Father) U Aye Lwin, who lived in this Ward, was travelling alone from Setmhu monastery to Yinchane hotel, when two male terrorists (under scrutiny) arrived in a Crown vehicle and opened fire on him by accusing him of being “Decoy (Dalan)” before fleeing. As a result, Ko Thant Zin Lat was dead from gunshot injuries, it is reported.
      Similarly, on 24 May at 05:00 AM, according to the report that a man was dead by gunfire in Pyar Village of Tada-U Township, Mandalay Region, security personnel went to the scene to inspect. The investigation found that U Nay Myo, 40 years old, (Father) U Mya Khine, who lived in this Village, was in his house, when two male terrorists (under scrutiny) arrived on a motorcycle and opened fire on him before fleeing. As a result, U Nay Myo was dead from gunshot injuries, it is reported.
      Similarly, at 07:30 AM, according to the report that two men were dead by gunfire at the Htanaungpinlal Village Junction in Natogyi Township, security personnel went to the scene to inspect. The investigation found that two men (under scrutiny) were found dead with gunshot injuries at the scene, and their bodies were transported to the Natogyi Township Public hospital for further examination, it is reported.
      Similarly, at 07:40 AM, according to the report that two men were dead by gunfire beside the Ngazun-Myothar road located in Zalonma Village of Ngazun Township, security personnel went to the scene to inspect. The investigation found that 100-household Administrator U Tin Lin, 46 years old, (Father) U Thein , who lived in this Village, was having a conversation with Thaegon Village Administrator U Than Zaw Lin, 39 years old, (Father) U Win Shwe, in a shop located at the scene, when three male terrorists (under scrutiny) arrived on a motorcycle and opened fire on them. Before fleeing, terrorists also robbed two motorcycles and two mobile phones of them. As a result, U Tin Lin and U Than Zaw Lin were dead from gunshot injuries, it is reported.
      Security Force Members are continuing necessary actions to identify and arrest those terrorists who committed wantonly killings and assassinations against administrative officials, government employees and civilians who live peacefully in the abovementioned cases based on the one-sided ideology of extremism ‘Everyone who differs from my attitude is my enemy’, it is reported.

26 5 2023 3 1

26 5 2023 3 2

Two men were dead by gunfire in Kawthoung Township.

26 5 2023 3 3

A man was dead by gunfire in Shwebo Township.

26 5 2023 3 4

A man was killed in Myingyan Township.

26 5 2023 3 5

A man was dead by gunfire in Taungtha Township.

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A man was dead by gunfire in Lounglon Township.

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A woman was dead by gunfire in Myinmu Township.

26 5 2023 3 8

A man was dead by gunfire in Ingapu Township.

26 5 2023 3 9

A man was dead by gunfire in MuSe Township.

26 5 2023 3 10

A man was dead by gunfire in Tada-U Township.

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26 5 2023 3 12

Two men were killed in Natogyi Township.