The “Kyounpaku” Creek Bridge located on the Shwekyin-Theinzayet road in Shwekyin Township, Bago Region, was destroyed and damaged due to the detonation caused by a collaborative group consisting KNU members who support terrorism and so-called PDF terrorists, it is reported.
The incident occurred that, on 27 November at 03:05 AM, according to the report that a collaborative group consisting KNU members who support terrorism and so-called PDF terrorists detonated the No. (1/107) “Kyounpaku” Creek Bridge located near Kyounchaun Village on the Shwekyin-Theinzayet road in Shwekyin Township, security personnel went to the scene and conducted an inspection. According to the investigation, it is found that approximately four feet of the bridge deck, along with its southern anchorage and left/right railings, were damaged by the explosion, making it impossible for vehicles to pass through, it is reported.
Responsible officials are now repairing the damaged bridges and security personnel are continue taking necessary measures to take punitive legal actions against the terrorists who blew up the bridge as soonest in accordance with law and to maintain stability and peace in the region, it is reported.