Language: Myanmar English


So-Called PDF terrorists recklessly opened fire with small arms on a passenger vehicle carrying innocent civilians near Magyikone Village in Pulaw Township, resulting in the deaths of two innocent civilians and injuries to three others

      So-called PDF terrorists recklessly opened fire with small arms on a passenger vehicle carrying innocent civilians in Pulaw Township, Tanintharyi Region, resulting in the deaths of two innocent civilians and injuries to three others, it is reported.
      The incident happened that, on 24 May at 01:35 PM, while security personnel were conducting vehicles security checks near Magyikone village of Pulaw township of Tanintharyi region, so-called PDF terrorists fired small arms. In the attack, no security personnel were injured, however, two innocent people were killed and three others were injured, who were the passenger of “Tanintharyi Yoma” passenger vehicle when the bus stopped for a while for security check. The injured individuals were transported to the Pulaw Public Hospital for medical treatment, it is reported.
      Security force members are continue taking necessary measures to take punitive legal actions against the perpetrators, who recklessly opened fire a motor vehicle carrying innocent civilians, as soonest in accordance with the law and to maintain stability and peace in the region, it is reported.

2.6.2023 1 2 Copy

Map showing the location of the passenger vehicle attacked by so-called PDF terrorists near Magyikone Village of Pulaw Township.