Roads/bridges are being constructed as basic infrastructure for the development of socio-economic life in the region and to facilitate convenient and swift transportation for the people. Armed insurgents who support terrorism and the so-called PDF terrorists, who oppose peace and development in the country, have been carrying out reckless acts by blowing up and destroying roads/ bridges with homemade mines and homemade bombs.
Since they are committing such terrorist acts, on 22 May at 12:45 PM, some members from the KNU who support terrorism and so-called PDF terrorists blew up the No. (1/17) Innthapauk Bridge, located near milepost 16/2 on the Kyaukgyi-Natthankwin Road in Kyaukgyi Township, Bago Region. As a result, 6 feet in width of the 80-foot-long and 18-foot-wide RC Concrete Bridge was damaged, making it impossible for vehicles to pass through, it is reported.
Responsible officials are now repairing the damaged bridge so that it can be used by the public soon, and security force members are continue taking necessary measures to take punitive legal actions against the perpetrators who blew up the public bridge as soonest in accordance with laws, it is reported.